RO plant manufacturers bring the positive and negative sides of RO water

Reverse osmosis water or RO water is worldwide popular and has steadily adopted by public since it was initially introduced as a home water purification system in 1970s. Nowadays, when you go out to the mall or supermarket or any other place, most of the packaged water bottles you see there, are carrying RO water. The purification method of reverse osmosis includes forcing water via a semi-permeable membrane, which is used for filtering out the contaminants from the water. The larger contaminants will be easily filtered out; however, smaller one will remain inside the water.

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RO water is having numerous advantages. In this post, we will talk about these health benefits.

No doubt RO water is the best drinking water. It is advantageous over tap water because it expels several unhealthy contaminants. If you are residing at place where tap water is just full of odor and color, you can install RO plant or system and start drinking reverse osmosis water. This water is free from arsenic, sodium, nitrates, copper, and lead. Other than this, RO system also removes some organic chemicals and municipal additive fluoride.

But RO water has a dark side too. There are some disadvantages of reverse osmosis water. In this post, we will talk about them.

  • Water is de-mineralized

As most mineral particles are larger than water molecules including (calcium, magnesium, sodium, and iron), they are expelled by the semi-permeable membrane of the reverse osmosis system.

Removal of naturally occurring minerals makes the water tasteless and thus, people need to add liquid minerals to enhance the taste of RO water.

  • RO water is acidic

RO water is claimed as unhealthy product as removing the minerals turns the water into acidic. Acidic water never helps in maintaining a healthy pH balance in the blood.

  • Critical contaminants still present

No wonder RO system is effective in removing various contaminants in water, yet it cannot alone remove volatile organic chemical, chloramines, and chlorine and other synthetic chemicals found in municipal water.

In case you are using reverse osmosis system and feel helpless to give up, you should visit best RO plant manufacturers and get a re-mineralization cartridge for your system. If this option is out of your budget, you can even add liquid ionic minerals to your drinking RO water. This is the simplest way to have healthy RO water for drinking.

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